DOS MANOS PERU Travel & tours in Peru
DOS MANOS PERU Travel & tours in Peru

What to See in Chachapoyas


There is so much to do and so much to see in Chachapoyas. Check out our list of tourist attractions in the region of Chachapoyas.

Plaza de Armas of Chachapoyas

Plaza de Armas of Chachapoyas

The Plaza de Armas of Chachapoyas is surrounded by beautiful colonial mansions with traditional balconies. At the Plaza de Armas, one can find the Provincial Municipality and the house where the predecessor of independence Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza was born. Nowadays, this house is the seat of the Bishopric of Chachapoyas. The elegant, white Cathedral of Chachapoyas is also located next to the plaza. In the center of the Plaza de Armas, one can find a colonial- style bronze sink.

Casa de Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza

This colonial house was built during the 18th century and belonged to the Rodríguez de Mendoza and Collantes family who was considered the most powerful and influential family in the northeast Peru. Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza y Collantes, one of the precursors of Peru’s independence, was born here in 1750. In 1986, the house was named a Cultural Heritage site of the Nation.

Mirador de Huancas or Mirador del Cañón del Sonche

Mirador de Huancas or Mirador del Cañón del Sonche

The village of Huancas (Sacred Stone in English) is located 8 km from Chachapoyas. The amazing viewpoint of this village offers views of the Cañón del Sonche, the canyon near Chachapoyas with its beautiful flora and small shrubs. In this area live rodents, marsupials and birds such as falcons, partridges, and pigeons. The viewpoint provides an amazing view of this varied and rugged landscape forming the relief of the Amazonian Andes.

Pozo de Yana Yacu

Pozo de Yana Yacu Chachapoyas

The Pozo (well) de Yana Yacu is a popular location among tourists as they visit the View point of Luya Urco. It is located on a hill in Chachapoyas and offers an unforgettable panoramic view. According to a legend, the well was built in the place where water suddenly began to spout from the ground when Saint Toribio de Mogrovejo hit his staff three times on a rock. “Black Water” is the English translation for “Yana Yacu,” a mystical place in Chachapoyas that might have saved the inhabitants of Chachapoyas from a severe drought.

Museo Étnico Religioso E Histórico De Santa Ana

The Historical and Religious Ethnical Museum of Santa Ana exhibits handicrafts and products made by cultures of this area along with flora and fauna of the Amazon region. The museum also reconstructed the architecture of the first church that was originally built by indigenous people in 1556. It aims at making tourists aware of the richness of the Amazon region, its geography, flora, fauna, traditions, and customs.

Fortress of Kuélap

Fortress of Kuélap

Being also called the “Machu Picchu of the North”, Kuélap is the main attraction in Chachapoyas and was constructed by the culture of the same name. Compared to Machu Picchu, the fortress of Kuélap is even bigger with its size of 65,000 square meters. The fortress can either be reached by cable car or by hiking.

Sarcofagos de Karajía

Sarcofagos de Karajía

These sarcophagi contain mummies and can be found in a cliff in the Utcubamba valley. The pre-Hispanic tombs were placed by the Chachapoyas culture. Six sarcophagi are even 250 meters high. Tourists can admire the mummies walking a route that was constructed for visitors. If you use binoculars, you are able to see even more details of the sarcophagi.

Caverns of Quiocta

Caverns of Quiocta Chachapoyas

The caverns of Quiocta are located in a 545-meter deep cave. Most interesting are definitely the stalactites and stalagmites that are millions of years old. With a little imagination, one can observe different figures that have been sculpted over the years by the water and the wind.

Leymebamba Museum

Since 2000, the Leymebamba Museum preserves mummies and other archaeological material from the Chachapoyas culture and the Inca culture. In total, there are 5 rooms showing not just archaeological findings but also ethnographical history and other information about the Chachapoyas culture.

Revash mausoleums

Revash mausoleums

The Mausoleums of Revash are constructions of funeral homes made by the Chachapoyas culture in the 14th century. Important people of society were buried there. The mausoleums are painted in red and cream color and look like houses. There are different constructions: some houses even have a third floor, other houses comprise gable roofs and windows.

Gocta Waterfall

Gocta Waterfall Chachapoyas

The Gocta Waterfall is the perfect destination for nature and hiking lovers. It is the third highest waterfall in the world being 771 meters high. Since the Gocta Waterfall is located in the cloud forest, tourists can also see birds and monkeys on their way to the waterfall. You don’t necessarily have to hike; you can also take a bus that brings you quite close to the waterfall.


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