DOS MANOS PERU Travel & tours in Peru
DOS MANOS PERU Travel & tours in Peru

Vaccinations for Peru


Depending on where you are traveling to in Peru, you may need to get a few different preventative vaccines before you arrive. We suggest that you talk with your paediatrician as they will know what is best for you, your personal medical history, and any medical risks your specific travel plans will expose you to.

If you are a student at college, your school's health centre should have a travel health program specifically set up to help students who want to study or travel abroad. Both your regular doctor and college health centre will know what is best for you given your travel plans.

Try to schedule an appointment as soon as possible once you have finalized your travel plans. Some vaccines may need to be administered a few weeks in advance before you leave to Peru.

Travel Tips - Vaccinations Peru - Health Precaution Travel

The general recommendation for all travelers to Peru is to get the Typhoid and Hepatitis A vaccines before arrival. Depending on where you travel in Peru and the activities you participate in, your doctor might also recommend the Hepatitis B, Rabies, and Yellow Fever vaccines.

If you are traveling to the jungle, you should consider taking malaria tablets.

For more information about vaccines and health in Peru, click here.

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