DOS MANOS PERU Travel & tours in Peru
DOS MANOS PERU Travel & tours in Peru

Covid-19 in Peru


Dos Manos Peru Travel
Last Update October 28, 2022


Peruvian health authorities announced that face coverings will no longer be mandatory in indoor settings nationwide, except in hospitals, public transport, and among people with respiratory symptoms.

From now on, the use of masks will only be mandatory in vehicles, in hospitals, and [around] any person with clinical respiratory diseases.

Soon there will be more modifications, which will include the progressive lifting of the requirement of the vaccination card to enter closed spaces. For now, the vaccination card (or negative test result) is still be required from people entering Peru and on interprovincial transport services but since October 12, 2022, the Health Declaration is no longer required to enter Peru!

Peru COVID-19 News (Nov 2021- September 2022):

From June 15, 2022 on, Peruvians, foreign residents and non-resident foreigners 18 years of age or older must prove that they have applied the three (3) doses of vaccination against COVID-19 (in Peru or abroad); or present the negative result of a molecular test (PCR) (result no more than 48 hours before boarding)

Passengers 12 years of age or older must prove that they have two doses of vaccination against COVID-19; or present the negative result of a molecular test (PCR) (result no more than 48 hours before boarding)

Children under 12 years old only need to be asymptomatic to board.

People who show symptoms upon arrival in Peru, must enter mandatory isolation (according to the rules on the matter)

From the 30th January 2022, people age 40 and over will be required to present proof of the third (booster) vaccination dose to enter enclosed spaces and travel (both interprovincial land transportation and domestic air travel); a negative molecular test within 48 hours prior to boarding is still accepted stead of proof of vaccination.

From the 15th December 2021, anyone over 18 will be required to show proof of vaccination before entering enclosed public spaces

From November 15th, all travellers over 45 using commercial transport to travel between provinces must provide proof of vaccination to travel.

On November 14, 2021, the Government of Peru announced the extension of emergency self-quarantine and movement restrictions due to COVID-19 through March 1, 2022


Travelers must enter Peru either on a full vaccination (last dose 14 days before arrival) card or a negative PCR test result (48 hours before boarding the flight to Peru). Vaccination card: either a hard copy or electronic will qualify and it must include your ID details.

Travelers must fill out this health affidavit online. Once it has been completed, you will receive a PDF, which may be either printed out or kept on a mobile device; this document is an entry requirement.

While at the airport and throughout the flight, you must wear two face masks.

Wearing facemasks in public places is mandatory; in closed places, such as airports or supermarkets,two face masks will be required and/or an additional face shield.

Screenings might be performed in closed places (temperature checks, hand sanitizing and keeping a 2-meter (6 feet) physical distance).

READ MORE (2020, 2021):

I - FAQ about COVID-19 in Peru

Is Peru a safe travel destination? Can I plan a trip to Peru?

Peru was recently awarded the label WTTC "Safe Travels" granted by the World Travel & Tourism Council. This organization recognizes the tourist destinations for safety and hygiene against the COVID-19 for Machu Picchu, Cusco, Sacred Valley, and some beaches from Piura (Mancora, Cabo Blanco, Vichayito, Los Organos).

Dos Manos Travel Peru is one of the 40 agencies in Cusco recognized by the Peruvian Ministry of Health and Tourism as a 'safe agency' since November 2020.

Is tourism open in Peru?

Yes, tourism is open in Peru (with some restrictions), and travelers are welcome. Proof of a negative PCR test is required (issued 48 hours before boarding flight) to enter Peru, or a proof of vaccination (read more below).

Most hotels, tourism agencies and restaurants are open. However, some operate at a limited capacity to ensure their guests' safety. Most tourist attractions are open too: Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail, Colca Canyon, Lake Titicaca, Manu National Park and many others, some with restrictions.

Are there any foreigners who cannot visit Peru at this time?

Peru is open to all travelers, vaccinated or unvaccinated. Testing and quarantine may be required (see below). Every passenger must complete the Affidavit of Health and Geolocation Authorization to enter the country. No quarantine period is needed.

Note: Only flights from South Africa are suspended (extended till Feb 28, 2022). Passengers are not allowed to enter if in the past 14 days they have been to or transited through this country. Nationals and residents of Peru arriving from South Africa are exempt from the entry ban but they need to quarantine for 14 days. Contact Us With Your Questions

Do airline passengers entering Peru need a COVID-19 test?

Fully vaccinated passengers:

Fully vaccinated passengers are exempt from presenting a negative COVID-19 test result to enter Peru. Passengers must present proof of vaccination - The certificate/document may be requested at different points of the trip. Passengers must present proof of vaccination that must comply with Peru requirements.

To be considered fully vaccinated by Peru you must comply with the following:

Vaccine types accepted:

  • Moderna
  • Pfizer/BioNTech
  • Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Oxford/AstraZeneca
  • Serum Institute of India - Covishield (Oxford/AstraZeneca formulation)
  • Sinopharm (Beijing) - BBIBP-CorV (Vero Cells)
  • Sinovac - CoronaVac

Vaccination certificate:

  • Vaccination certificates must show that the full scheme of vaccination was completed.

Other passengers:

All non-vaccinated passengers must have a negative COVID-19 test result to enter Peru.

Negative RT-PCR test result 72 hours before departure

  • Test type accepted: RT-PCR
  • Time window: issued within 72 hours before departure of the flight.
  • Applicable age: Travelers of 12 years or older.
  • Keep in mind: The test result certificate must be issued in the country of origin.
  • Exceptions:
    • Children younger than 12 years are required to present a medical certificate of good health
    • Passengers connecting through Peru for less than 16 hours, as long as they do not leave the restricted boarding area.
    • Passengers recovered from COVID-19, they must present one of the following options:
      • Certificate of epidemiological and clinical discharge, accompanied by the initial diagnosis obtained at least 14 days and maximum 3 months prior to arrival, where the positive COVID-19 result is evidenced (PCR, antigenic or serological test with the presence of positive IgM).

Before arrival:

All passengers, vaccinated or unvaccinated, must complete an electronic Affidavit of Health and Geolocation Authorization within 72 hours before departure. The filling of this form is a precondition for the authorization to enter the plane.

Additionally, passengers younger than 12 years, must have a medical certificate of good health.

Important: All vaccinated or unvaccinated passengers, 2 years and older, must wear two (2) masks during their stay at all airports in the national territory and at all times at all times during their travel to, from and within Peru. This means at embarkation, on board and disembarkation. Wearing a transparent face shield is optional.

Do I need to wear a face mask in Peru?

The use of facemasks and maintaining physical distance is required while in public and when using public transportation. The use of masks is mandatory; you will be reminded of hand washing and social distancing constantly.

Since Monday, April 26 double masks have been required in places such as markets, malls, galleries, commercial establishments, department stores, pharmacies, stores supplying basic products, etc. where crowding is present in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection. The use of a face shield in these establishments is recommended, but not required. This applies to all of Peru.

The use of a facemask, as well as a face shield, will be required:
  • on public transportation,
  • in some hospitals and clinics

Some stores require the use of both a facemask and face shield to enter. We recommend having your face shield on hand at all times while in public.

Covid measures in Peru

For international flights, you must have a surgical mask or a traditional three-layer mask. Other masks like fabric or craft masks, are not be permitted. For domestic trips, passengers can use fabric masks as long as they meet the MINSA standard. Valve masks are not allowed.

Is public transportation in Peru operating?

Yes. Rules regarding local transportation vary by jurisdiction. Masks are generally required for all passengers, and in some jurisdictions, the number of passengers permitted on buses is limited to increase social distancing. From November 15th, all travellers over 45 must provide proof of vaccination to travel on commercial transport to travel between provinces.

Taxi services are available and may allow only two passengers.

Are there domestic flights in Peru? Do you need a negative COVID-19 test to fly domestically?

Yes, there are national flights. On March 13, 2021, the Government of Peru suspended COVID-19 testing requirements for domestic air travel. The only requirement for national flights is the signature of a sworn statement indicating that you do not have symptoms of COVID-19.

From November 15th, all travellers over 45 must provide proof of vaccination to travel on commercial transport to travel between provinces.

Is the Inca Trail open?

Machu Picchu and the two-day Inca Trail opened on November 1, 2020. The classic 4-day Inca Trail hike re-opened on July 15, 2021. The Inca Trail can only accommodate half of its previous limit (about 250 hikers per day).

There are several safety protocols in Machu Picchu: mandatory mask-wearing, restrictions on group sizes — no more than nine people, including a guide — and a requirement that groups stay at least 20 meters (66 feet) apart.

There hourly quota system for Machu Picchu tickets that was implemented right before the pandemic has become stricter, as it has proved to make crowd management very efficient even after the pandemic eases. It has become more important that it already was before, to plan a trip to Machu Picchu ahead. It’s best to not expect to buy tickets on the spot, or even a few days prior, because they sell out very quickly.

Despite the new rules limiting the number of tourists, site authorities are planning to increase capacity to Machu Picchu in the future.

Have vaccines been distributed in Peru?

The vaccination process started in February 2021 in all regions of Peru. As of November 15, 2021 approximately 49% of the population has been fully vaccinated; 62% of the Peruvians have received the first shot.

What can I do if I think I have COVID-19 in Peru?

Persons presenting symptoms of COVID-19 should dial the toll-free number 113, send a WhatsApp to +51-952-842-623, or send an email to Responses may be in Spanish only.

For more information on requesting a COVID-19 test through MINSA, please visit this website (Spanish only):

II - Tips for Travel in Peru during the pandemic

Please first read our section: I - FAQ about Travel in Peru during the Corona pandemic.

When travelling in Peru, take the following steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:
  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when in public settings. Masks are required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation.
  • Avoid crowds and stay at least six feet/two meters (about two arm lengths) from anyone who did not travel with you both indoors and outdoors.
  • Wash your hands often or use a hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
  • Bring extra masks and hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

If you have any questions or need help, you can always contact us; we'll be happy to help. info @

To consider

Airports, bus stations, train stations, and rest stops are all places travellers can be exposed to the virus so be carefull. We recommend you do NOT travel if you were exposed to COVID-19, you are sick, or you test positive for COVID-19. Don't travel with someone who is sick.

Cancellation Policy:

We have a more flexible booking and cancellation policy this year.

III - Dos Manos Protocols COVID-19

At Dos Manos Peru Travel, we put the health, safety and security of our travellers and staff at the core of our protocols. We follow the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Ministry of Health in Peru.

Office protocols

Our office includes daily checks of our staff and visitors like no contact temperature checks and a quick set of questions, no handshakes, virtual or touch fewer payments and social distancing throughout the reception area.

We have regular meetings with our tour providers to ensure that they are following the correct COVID-19 procedures.

We only work with hotels and other agencies that have been approved by the Peruvian Ministry of Health or by other local health authorities.

All our partners follow international COVID-19 guidelines.

To make you feel safe and confident with our agency, we would like to make our specific office protocols available for you.

Our objective is to ensure that protocols are in place across our office with an increased focus on health, hygiene, and physical contact reduction. We do this through standard hygiene protocols such as social distancing, face masks, and handwashing facilities on site.

Contact Us With Your Questions

Read more about our office checklist:

Additional info Dos Manos COVID protocols Social Distancing
  • Workers and visitors must wear face coverings at all times
  • Face coverings are required in all common areas and meeting rooms, even when 6 feet or 2 meters of distance can be maintained
  • Office workers monitor customer and worker entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to 50% of the building's maximum permitted occupancy
  • Ensure separation of 6 feet or two meters or more between individuals
    • Mark rooms, hallways and waiting areas to indicate 6 feet or 2 meters of separation
  • Stagger work schedules and improve ventilation for enclosed spaces where possible (e.g., open doors and windows)
  • Limit meeting sizes, ensure 6 feet or 2 meters of social distancing and encourage remote participation
  • Stagger lunch and break times, regulating the maximum number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet or 2 meters of physical distancing
Hygiene Protocols
  • Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water and encourage frequent hand washing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol
  • Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  • Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of the hygiene and safety protocols
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol will be made available at entrances and throughout the office
  • Regular cleaning and sanitation of all high-touch areas such as workstations, door handles, and restrooms
Staffing and Operations
  • Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions, including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    • Social distancing, handwashing, proper use of face coverings
    • Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    • Importance of not coming to work if ill
    • When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe
  • Screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    • Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, the new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
    • Worker has not had "close contact" with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19.
    • Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    • Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  • Meetings will be remote to reduce density in the office
  • Workers must stay home if feeling ill
Cleaning and Disinfection
  • Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently
  • Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of office
  • Keep cleaning logs that include the date, time, and scope of the cleaning
  • Clean shared spaces between use and supply cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  • Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

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